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Donations come in all shapes and sizes! Each month our Shelter Coordinator goes through her resources and makes a list of items that are either needed at the shelter itself or items which we could use to restart a home.


Check out her list, if you have any of these items you can donate, please call us to set up a time to drop off!

NOTE: We are not able to accept unsolicited donations. Thank you for respecting this.

Shelter Wish List:


~New/gently used sweatpants and sweatshirts (L/XL/2X/3X)

~New/gently used women's t-shirts (L/XL/2X/3X)

~new women's underwear, bras and socks

~Women's coats/robes (larger/sizes


Personal Care:

~Toiletry Items: Body Wash, Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Shaving cream and razors.  Epsom salts for baths, deodorant, hair bands and clips.

~Feminine Hygiene Products

~Liquid hand soap

~Hari Brushes, Combs

~Diapers sizes 3, 4, 5, 6.

~Pull ups.

~ Baby Wipes

~Toilet tissue


~Kitchen Supplies (No Dinnerware)

~Emergency Travel Funds

~New/Gently Used bed sheets.

~Full size quilts/blankets

~New Gently Used towels, washcloths.


~Toilet paper, Paper towels, Kleenex, Q-Tips

~Dish Soap, Dishwasher soap

~Dish towels, Dishcloths

~Liquid laundry soap, Dryer sheets

~Furniture in good condition for starting up new households. 



Our program is a 501(c) 3 registered nonprofit, without the support of the community and concerned citizens like you we would not be able to keep our doors open.


Your support keeps our free and confidential services available to Fremont County year round. Some of the activities your donations support include:

  • Court room advocacy

  • Emergency shelter

  • Transportation expenses 

  • 24-hour crisis hotline staffing


Donations can be mailed to: 


Fremont County Alliance Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

PO Box 1127 

Riverton, WY 82501


Or you can donate electronically by following the link below. 



Amazon Smile

The Alliance has an Amazon Smile account!

To donate, log in to your Amazon account at

 Pick the Fremont County Alliance Against a Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault as your favorite charity and a percentage of your purchase comes back to us!! 

© 2016 by The Fremont County Alliance Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

Proudly created with

24HR CRISIS LINE: (307)856-4734



Find us:

Main Office

510 E. Washington St.

Riverton, WY

Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am-4:00 pm


The Fremont County Alliance Against Domestic Violence is sponsored by the Office of the Attourney General Division of Victim Services. 

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